02 October 2009


Lately I have been feeling to urge to write a lot. Most of the time it doesn't even make sense to me...which doesn't help. ;] This one was inspired while on the bus and watching a field next to the road we were on. eh.

By Karina Young
2 October 2009

Lost in the weeds
Trying to get out
Run home
When I run the weeds
Tear at me
Grabbing my flesh
Biting me
Drawing blood
With every step
Bound I make
They take hold
So I stop
And stay still
Breathing heavy
As my eyes dart around
Frantically searching
For an exit
Like an animal
I remain unscathed
When I stay still
But I must get out
I can endure it
The claws of the weeds
Trying to pull me back in
Still lost
Yet still searching
I move to find the
Edge of THIS field
Moving to find
My way home
Even if the weeds
Take a part of me
With them
They cannot take
All of me.

30 September 2009

Lying to Myself

Everyone wants to love and be loved. But I personally can't see my self totally giving in to another human being. I probably will someday and that MIGHT be nice. But I have some trust issues I need to smash into smithereens first.....etc....

ahem...and please don't think I am depressed or anything with this poem. I was on the bus and I jotted it down. I should really go through and edit the damn thing. :]

Just saying...in case Mama reads this and starts asking me if anything is wrong...hahaha

Lying to Myself

By Karina Young

30 September 2009

I don’t want to be loved

I want to hurt

To feel sadness

To long for any thing

I cannot have

To know I am alive

By my rush of

Wild mental states

But living in that

One mode of utter bliss

That I am supposed to want

Isn’t living

One emotions rule

Over the mind

Over the body

Over the soul

Is a straight jacket

A dusty prison cell

So why do I want it

Why relinquish living

Why leave the sadness

The loneliness

The anger

The hate

Out of it

Why yearn to be told

That I am beautiful

What is this desire

To abandon my insecurities

And live in the arms

Of someone who will

Never know them

This rush of emotion

Just one emotion

Why do I want it

I cannot understand

And what I really

Cannot understand is

Why won’t it die

Leaving me free

and my anger

my sadness

my loneliness

my all

Still uncaring?

29 September 2009

Close your eyes

Close your eyes
By Karina Young
28 September 2009

I try to open my eyes
To see this new world
I am living in
But it is too wild
Too blurred
Moving too fast
Moving too slow
Moving in a way
I cannot bear to watch
So I close my eyes
And there waiting for me
Are wondrous things
Things that my mind
Could never translate
Into words
This world is real
I tell my self
I can feel the heaviness
Surrounding me
The feeling that I
Am actually THERE
In the world
And not just a
Feather-light and lifeless soul
Drifting through
Every movement takes
Patience and determination
Even extending my arm
Takes attention and will
So glorious
So good
So drunk on this world
I am
Till it starts to fade
And reality comes
Like heavy black drapes
A hundred yards of it
Slipping over my body
Enveloping me darkness
And forcing me to
Open my eyes and
Find a way OUT
Now my eyes are open
The world is moving again
In a way I cannot bear to watch.

28 September 2009

Inner Workings (poem)

Inner Workings
By Karina Young
27 September 2009

Curious as a cat
I wished to know his mind
I wished to know those
Deep inner workings
So I reached to touch
And unlatched the door
Barring this knowledge from me
His face opened and before my eyes
Was a race of small beings
This is how he functioned
With these small wonders
Swarming around in his mind
Carrying out their duties
His face was a series of
Intricate webs and wires
Flickering lights
Occasionally smoke
Darkness and dust
And matter unknown to me
I stared in marvel
At this creature
This fascinating entity
Utterly in awe
At the sight of it all
And yet still uncomprehending
Still lost and unknowing
I put his mask on again
Allowing him to hide
Such a marvelous sight
Once more
Letting HIM choose what he
Wishes to and NOT to reveal
In my mind I seal the doorway
With a kiss
Hoping he doesn’t let the lock
Stay frozen and rusted
Until the end of days.

23 September 2009


By Karina Young
23 September 2009

You’re death
You’re dying
You’re dead
Taking it in
To feel
To know
How can you feel
How can you know
When the world is gray
When all you see is gray
When your soul
Starts to wither
And become gray
Gray energy
Nothing is clear
Not black and white
A blur of gray
And Stupid
So stupid!
Makes me want to cry out
I asked to be saved
But who needs the saving?
How can any of us be saved
When the world is so gray
The world is death
It’s dying
It’s dead
Gone and gray
Is the world
It’s tranquility
Being tranquillized.

17 September 2009

Card of the Day: Two of Wands-Opportunity

Sometimes when I read my Tarot cards they can be quite spooky. Not that they reveal scary things to me (usually) but when they fit so perfectly into my current situation it spooks me!

I have just gotten done pulling my card for today after not doing so for a wee bit now. I got the Two of Wands. The picture showed two men talking and they seemed a bit lost on what to do. I had an instant “oh snap!” moment.

This card is supposed to symbolize that things are off to a good start and may indicate a period of waiting. I’m already waiting so when does it end Mr.Two of Wands, eh?

Here is the general gist of what the book says since I am horrible at explaining my views on something:
The early stages of an enterprise. The need to wait to see how matters will develop. Not much actively happening (f!). Sincere effort. Faith in the future. Partnership matters. Growth. Headed on the right direction. WAITING FOR A REPLY. Where do I go from here?

The Two of Wands is supposed to show that there will be a waiting period where I am going to feel restless (gawds!) as I prepare for change. I MIGHT (hur hur hur) feel uneasy while this is happening. I am supposed to deal with the problem energetically (how the f! do I do that? And what the bloody hell does that mean!). The card is supposed to tell me to take charge of my life and that I have the ability to overcome obstacles.

The book says it will end in success. But that confuses me because I don’t know how I want the problem to end.

Eeks! The problem with Tarot cards is when I don’t know if the first thing that pops into my head is what the cards are trying to show and help me with. Someone else read them for me. Teehee.

Oh well. We will see if the cards work out. Maybe I will do a full reading…or several. Jk!

16 September 2009


By Karina Young
16 September 2009

Who dares to sleep
When the possibility of dreaming
Is almost guaranteed
When we can’t escape truths
Revealed to us
Through distorted images
And frighteningly real emotions
Where everything is exaggerated
Though they don’t need to be
In order to open our eyes
And shut them again

I don’t dare sleep
When I know the second
My physical eyes close
My mind opens
And out comes pouring
Truths I am not ready for
Truths I already know
Truths I don’t want to acknowledge
And I know the truth hurts
But in dreams it pierces my skin
Burns my flesh
Eats at me until I am hollow

Who dares to sleep
When dreams can come true?

15 September 2009

Intoxicated Muse

Wrote it while waiting for the bus. Needs work. But since when does anything I write NOT need work?

Intoxicated Muse
By Karina Young
15 September 2009

My new Muse is a mess
Though I am glad I found her
Her creativity comes in gulps
As she chugs down the recipe for inspiration
This is what she gives me
My Muse is a drunk.
When I try to fill the page before me
It all comes out like vomit on the dance floor
Covering designer shoes
Hundred dollar jeans
My Muse laughs and says
“Shows where their priorities lie”
Speaking of their wastefulness
A woman’s scream fills my ears
The vomit is seeping in
I laugh and my Muse splinters
I’ll see her again
Once I leave this place
She’s everywhere these days
Always waiting for me
With a slur to her speech
So I can’t always tell what she is saying
What she is hiding from me
Next time I try to write
It comes out like an
Intoxicated outburst
My Muse rambling on about how
She slept with your best friend
See how that smashes the page
I’ll have to pull her up and shake her
Demanding a sober response
I don’t get one
She leaves me lost
My slutty, disheveled, intoxicated Muse
A good partnership
Though my pen is aggravated
At what I force him to write
This doesn’t dampen our friendship
The paper says nothing at all
Till I fill her up to the brim
My Muse
My Intoxicated Muse
Keep singing those songs to me
Through the Karaoke mike right before closing
Keep filling my glass with watered down beer
Because you drank half my glass and couldn’t afford another
Keep eating the stale peanuts left on the table
Then leaving that salty residue in my mouth
When your kiss blows
The cleansing ocean breeze into me.

14 September 2009

Apparently I am Blood Lusting (Dream Blog)

Every so often I have a night full of MUDEROUS dreams. Quite scary I can assure you. Usually they are sort of like two teams going against each other to see who can murder the other team first. Or something of that nature.

Last night (from what I can remember) I dreamed my family and friends were in this HUGE HUGE HUGE house and for some reason we started taking out the other inhabitants of the house (not sure who started it). I didn’t see my Mother or Alex die (thank effin’ Gawd! I always cry when I have dreams like that) and they might not have but at the very end I did see Robert with a long wooden pole through his chest. Not to worry though! He got off the floor fairly quickly after killing off the person who got him and started walking and talking and soon enough the pole disappeared (dreams can be cool like that).

I don’t remember WHO we were fighting but toward the end the only people left on my “team” were Paige and I. We were some kick ass bitches in this dream. Haha. There were more of the other “team” left than our “team” (remember these are not actual “teams” but it is easier to say they are) toward the end so we had to get crafty and split up.

Eventually…dun dun dun…the battle was won! Paige and I were victorious due to our super stealth and fighting abilities! Woot!

I woke up shortly after this dream and went back to sleep only to dream more murderous dreams. Apparently I am blood lusting. Haha.

These types of dreams are usually some of my least favorite but actually winning and not feeling scared the whole time rocked. Plus, Paige’s hair looked fantastic during the fighting and I felt superhuman and/or animal-like. Twas awesome.

Miss. Doom and Gloom

Last night I was laying in bed with my 7 year old sister trying to get her to go to sleep. But I couldn't REST! Everything seemed too loud and my mind was going a mile a minute. I felt like I was on crack or something!Though I would not know what being on crack feels like but still...

So in partial darkness I scribbled this poem out. Doesn't have any rules to constrict it really and I could have pulled it apart and made separate poems out of it if I wanted to. But I usually dislike to edit any of my poems (even if they are not very good) and so I will leave my "crackhead poem" alone. For now at least. I will probably come back in a week, or a month or maybe a year and tear the thing apart. :] teehee

Miss. Doom and Gloom
By Karina Young
13 September 2009

Doom and Gloom
My Rainbow and Sunshine
So you say
So you think
So therefore I am
What you say
What you think
What I am
Doesn’t make a difference
Doesn’t have distinction
In all my Doom and Gloom
Miss. Doom and Gloom
Oh yes, THAT’S ME!
Can’t you see it?
Must be obvious
This “sin” of mine
To dare to THINK that I am different
To long to be different
To not want to be
Plastered and Painted
Stuffed and Stuck through
Cut up and Sucked out
With a smile stitched so carefully
Across my pretty face
Not wanting to be like those
With their tampered minds
Pretending normalcy
Pretending perfection
Though it is plain to SEE
They are
So they tell me they are
I am told
What they tell me is what
Doom and Gloom
Brings you down
While the sunshine brings you up
Doom and Gloom are there
Like I will be there
Till the sunshine banishes me away
And I come around running back
With my rain
My cleansing rain
My sweet waters
Oh sad little Miss. Doom and Gloom
Never going to get your way.

08 September 2009


I keep saying that we (HUMANS) are “primal” beings in the poetry and written works I am pouring out little by little recently. But is this true? Are we the FIRST or of the MOST IMPORTANCE? I can’t really say we are.

Seriously. Look what we have done to the world. (yes, maybe there are positives to not dying at 35…but still….you hopefully get what I mean).

AND humans are for the most part totally f^cked up creatures.

How the hell are we PRIMAL beings? Why do I keep wanting to write that WE are or CAN be primal? Maybe my idea of primal is totally off from the definitions I am searching through and trying to find a better answer from.

Sure, we may have primal needs or whatever you want to call them according to people far more intelligent than I am. But are WE primal?

Gottdamnit! I don’t even know what I am saying!

I guess when IIIIII think of primal I think of it as something utterly raw and basic. That’s what I want to tap into. I want to pull off all the layers of crap that are shrouding me and tap into MY CORE. The same damn core everyone else has. Or at least I think we have.

Maybe I am totally wrong?

OR MAYBE I want to tap into some sort of unifying energy that runs through EVERYTHING.

I think I can/could “tap into” some sort of energy. But nothing like I want to tap into now. Beforehand it was tapping into an energy that could be “manipulated.”

NOW I want to tap into something that will “manipulate” ME.
Something that will change ME.

Ugh ugh ugh. I can’t even get my thoughts on this straight. I keep thinking I sound like a stupid hippie! No no no no!!!!

Off to ponder some more whilst I clean-eth my room.


I have been feeling a little more creative-a-ful lately. Usually this is a good thing. But at the moment the only things I am able to pull from my mind sound utterly and completely ridiculous or sound hippie and/or new age-lovin’-ish. It all sounded better in my head. But once I typed it out from the scraps of paper I scribbled it down quickly on in the garden center it sounded crappy-licious.

The poems I wrote were based on conversations I had with two people and the conversations sort of melted and blended together and made me have weird thoughts. Ha….MADE me have weird thoughts. HA! But yeah….

I have no idea what I am talking about in these poems. Hopefully I will be able to experience them someday. I do that occasionally. Write about something I don’t understand in an attempt to understand it. OR perhaps in the hopes that putting it down and out there the Universe (hippie-tastic sounding eh?) will hear me and I’ll get my “wish.”


Here goes my first drafts. Pretend you are totally high and wearing tie dye (RHYMES!!!). I pretty much guarantee they will sound better. Haha…

Primal Nature
By Karina Young
September 8, 2009

Psych yourself out.
Tap into your primal nature.
Be the hare,
The wolf,
The owl seeking prey.
Be the bear,
The hawk,
The salmon swimming upstream.
Be that basic and instinctive creature
Throw off the worldly cloak on your shoulders.
Be raw, naked and hungry.
The BEing
Psych yourself out.
Psych yourself out.
Psych yourself out
And draw it all back in again.

By Karina Young
September 8, 2009

Connect with the world around you.
Connect with the world around you.
Connect with the world around you.
You are a primal being.
Run naked through a field.
Climb a tree.
Crouch in the brush.
Dive into an ocean.
Run your hands over the earth.
Leave your mark.
Put YOUR print on the world.
Imprint yourself on it.
Connect with it.
All around you the earth is
Connect with it.
Give in.
Connect with the world around you.

Lame-ness-maximus eh? I want my old Muse back. She was a little depressing at times...but we totally understood each other. :]

26 August 2009

And the walls came tumbling down...

And the walls came tumbling down…

Now that I am done with this I am not sure I should post it. Perhaps I got the urge just for my own benefit. Or perhaps I need some Tarot-licious guidance from another!

I started doing more and more readings for myself recently. Some times I tend to take a “break” from things only to come back to them with vigor!

Well, I kept getting the same cards over and over again despite me shuffling the shit out of the deck. And if it wasn’t the same exact card it had a similar damn meaning to one of the few cards that kept appearing. I even drew a rune from my bestie’s new set of bitchin runes she made and got one with a similar meaning. Not just SIMILAR…but real damn close!

So, of course I went with the first thing that popped into my head about these cards and went with it. Some of them appeared to be warnings but I told myself it was worth the risk. Now I am wondering if I was right to listen.

Sorry if I am being cryptic…but just deal with it! Teehee. ;]

I DO think I was right to listen at this moment. My life was basically CRYING OUT for change and I finally pulled off some chains.

Here are the cards. Tell me what you all think!
The first card I kept getting was The Empress. She CAN represent female creativity, fertility, sexuality, marriage, pregnancy, fruits of labor, etc.

YEP. Scared the bloody hell out of me. HOWEVER, I have just found that the first thing that came to mind WON’T be happening. So ha! THANK GEEBUZ! But I guess there are many ways to look at the card and I should REALLY stop being so literal. I am going to take the card as a woman of POWER! Woo!

When I didn’t get this card in a spread I would end up getting the Queen of Chalices/Cups instead. I took this as a sign that I shouldn’t be negatively focusing on the fertile aspects of the previous card but should be partially concerned with whether the woman is ME or another strong woman in my life that I should look to.

The second card was The Devil. Which CAN mean confronting personal demons, pessimism (me me me), unhealthy attachments, inhibitions, fear, oppression, etc. There are more…but I won’t bore you with the endless list.

For some reason I saw this card as a bad ending to a new stage in my life, but I also saw it as an awakening.

The third card was The Tower. DUN DUN DUN. Which again CAN be a collapse of an old way of life, shock, havoc, awakening, release from bondage, structural flaws, THE DEATH OF AN ILLUSION.

You get the idea. I sort of tied this card in as being in the same sort of gondola as The Devil. Perhaps I am or was wrong in doing so.

I can go on and on. I just feel like venting without actually vomiting up all the juicy details for ya’ll.

20 August 2009


Working in the Target Garden Center can be really enjoyable. Usually the people are pretty laid back and/or nice, working with plants is always a plus and when it is NOT Summer I really enjoy just being outside!

The downside? Well, during the Summer I occasionally feel like passing out from the heat. BUT that is not the real downside (usually). The downside is that when we are not busy or I AM “lost” in my work (Don’t let me sweep! I might forget you exist even when you are standing next to me!) I get a lot of time to think.

Doesn’t sound like a problem I suppose, but I am a DWELLER. I dwell on the stupidest stuff sometimes. I will dwell on stuff that happened YEARS ago, I will dwell on conversations that I am not sure I understood correctly, I will dwell on pretty much anything.

And it makes it worse that I am an UTTER daydreamer!

Always have been! Always will be!

Today I kept thinking about “stupid” stuff again while working. Of course, this is nothing new. But when I am outside I actually can stop working and write stuff down. I used to do this when I would write poetry. Like during class when I would be hit with inspiration I would write poetry or doodle in the margins of my papers and then would have to later copy them all down again.

So, I grab a piece of journal paper (the paper “tape” the receipts are printed on) and start jotting things down. Then I go back to work only to find myself BACK leaning over the Coca-Cola brand cooler writing on paper. I did it my whole shift. And being me I would totally get lost in my writing and ignore the guests. I would jump up when they would finally have enough of waiting on me and call out for assistance. Then I would rush over and stuff the paper into the drawer so they wouldn’t know I was doing something NOT work related.


Now I have all these bits of paper with stuff that doesn’t really make sense out of them that I need to piece together in order to “re-form” my thoughts I was having.

…..This should be fun….

Back soon hopefully with something. I never really like puzzles….especially the ones my own mind thrusts on me. :/

10 August 2009

MORE coincidences? Or SIGNS!?!?!?

Apparently either I am just starting to see some coincidences OR someone/something is trying to tell me SOMETHING.

This is all within the past few weeks but first there was the turquoise business (read my other blog on it if ya want) and now there are other things going on.

LIKE I keep seeing those huge metallic green beetles everywhere. Usually I find them to be attracted to me for some reason (do I smell like crap or something perhaps?).

Whenever I am outside for a while one always tends to find me. People tell me they are good luck and that I should be grateful…but really…I am scared of them so I run! But I keep seeing them dead and lying upside down everywhere.

SO either the city sprayed them all to DEATH (do they still do that I wonder?) or it’s a sign my luck has run out. Or that is what I am guessing. Maybe I missed my chance at something. I was never good at reading “messages.” I believe in them, but then I always am skeptical about them. Silly me.

Another coincidence is the profusion of moths around me. I nearly yelled the other day (at the air of course) in the garden center because moths wouldn’t stop flying into me. They are everywhere STILL damnit! When I did a meditation to find my totem animal/spirit thingy a while ago it was clearly a moth and the moth always shows up in my life. But why are they “attacking” me. Am I missing something?

So either I can be sensible and say it is Summer and of course there is going to be bugs all over the place. Or I can give in and say: “IT’S AN OMMEEENNN!!” in the voice of the old Druid dude from that one scene in “Merlin.” Aahh…

Seems a few other people are having such coincidences right now from the blogs I am reading. Gah…I never know. Not much of a witch am I? I still need to trust myself and stop second guessing everything…STILL. Getting better at it…but eh.


06 August 2009

Turquoise Invasion!

Recently I got back from a trip to visit my Opa up in Lake Tahoe. While up there we drove out to visit a cemetery filled with predominantly German people. I was really interested in all the names and why so many Germans would want to settle in such a desert-like place.

Well, toward the end of our cemetery excursion my we see a rock sitting by a family plot of graves. My Opa picks it up and says something along the lines of: “Hey! Look! This is turquoise!” It was not a nice little polished stone or anything but a beautiful dirty and jagged rock with turquoise caught in little niches, etc. I couldn’t wait to get home to do some research on its properties.

Oddly enough I had been thinking of turquoise before I left on my trip. Thinking about how I never really felt partial to it before but had suddenly really felt like I wanted a piece of it anyway.

The next odd thing? I went to visit my Aunt Stephanie in Reno shortly after finding the rock and while at her house she asked me if I own anything from my Papa (my grandpa) Fred’s family. I said no and told her I thought it was because there were way to many people in my family for me to have anything of the family’s.

WEEELLL….next thing I know she brings me a beaded turquoise necklace that was my Papa’s Mother’s! I felt so honored! I was also having a “WTF?” moment because all of the sudden turquoise had invaded my life!

Here is what SeriousSilver.com has to say about turquoise:

“Sacred to both Native American and Oriental traditions, this stone helps to connect with spirit and brings the energy of the sky down to earth. It is helpful in expanding awareness while still maintaining practicality. Turquoise moves the wearer toward integration and wholeness. Used on the throat chakra, turquoise promotes communication and the ability to speak honestly, clearly and from the heart, and reminds us of our connection to Earth and Sky. Ancient lore suggests that it also protects against environmental pollutants. In ancient times, turquoise was utilized to gain wealth. Wearing turquoise can speed the healing process. Lore also has it that the stone will change color when the owner is in danger.”

What do you think about the whole turquoise thing?

02 August 2009

Today's Tarot Readings...

I tried to use my handmade Amethyst pendulum again today with little success. I used to love using pendulums till I saw that if I willed it enough I would always get the answer I wanted. I'd rather NOT get everything I want thank you! I want truth (or something damn near it!).

I had one pendulum my Mom bought me that tripped me out a few times with its vigor. Unfortunately, the bugger likes to disappear every now and again leaving my handmade ones sitting there staring at me with utter distaste. I think it is time they found a new home. :] Takers?

They ARE quite lovely if I do say so myself. teehee. Maybe I will save them till the right person stumbles across THEIR path and they throw themselves at him/her. Yep, that'll work.

Well, anyway. I did a few one card readings for some questions I had. Somewhat enlightening reads I suppose. But then again I can never be so sure I am interpreting them correctly and sometimes I get a shock at the picture on the card that leaves me with a bad taste until I read what the "Tarot Pros" deem the card to mean. A battle between what the artist had in mind and what is in MY OWN mind. Hmmm..


For upcoming situations I got "Temperance." Which according to tarotteachings.com (I usually use a book that I quite like but copying and pasting is MUCH easier-I'm lazy. ;] ):Merging, Balance, Healing, Connection, Chemistry, Fluidity, Moderation.

OK-interesting enough. But the picture on my the deck I was using showed a woman weeping over what looks to be a dead warrior. Soo...? Anyway...threw me off a bit.

Another reading I did was to see where I am at this time or what card represents me NOW. I got: THE WORLD!

Which means (again thanks to tarotteachings.com): Value, Success, Achievement, Fulfillment, Enrichment, Satisfaction.

Alrighty then. The book had a better and more drawn out understanding of the card that I preferred but this was close enough. I enjoyed the image on the card this time as well. No shocking dead people and weeping women or anything of the sort.

Ahhh.....looks like I am on the right path. Or perhaps the path that I wanted! muahaha! teehee. Getting my way I suppose. Yeah right...like that ever happens.

I did some other readings as well. But I couldn't draw any real meanings out of them that I really connected with and felt was...er...(word please?)...solid maaannnn.

or something.

The End.

24 July 2009

21st Birthday Blog

My birthday just passed and I am now…dun dun dun…21!!!!

My Mom took my sisters, Darrian and my self to Seaworld (yay for monthly payment plans for passes!). That was interesting. Teehee. It was too hot and crowded to get much done but I enjoyed it nevertheless. On the way home we got fish and chips (we were all craving clam strips at Seaworld for some reason….ha!). Then I came home to a Toadstool-riffically decorated house with poster paper Hedgehogs decorating the walls. The family even made me an Amanita Muscaria birthday cake. They love me. :]

From the family I got:

A composter (finally finally finally!!! Wooo!!!!!!)

A 50 dollar Amazon gift card

A “giant” Matryoshka doll thanks to Alex. :]

A antique book on Henry VIII

A old book on real down dirty composting

A book on Matryoshkas (it’s bitchin!)

Wooden shoes from an antique (or thrift?) store

Some pretty cloths

A pretty brass candle holder that matches my room

A peacock feather (teehee)

A Corn Husk dolly making kit (looovvveeee it)

A dress from Thailand

A book on Norwegian-ness stuffs

A English clock with bundles of herbs as the numbers

And that’s it I think! Phew!

Oma gave me a set of abalone and silver hand hammered/made salt and pepper shakers with matching dish

A giant tomato pincushion of doom

A book on Berlin Art and Architecture

CHOCOLATE (nom nom nom)

A cool East Asian pendant

A quartz pebble

And some other things that I have to go hunting for (she always sends HUGE packages filled with random stuff for each of us to pick through)

Matt kindly came over and celebrated my 21st birthday with me in a somewhat traditional manner yesterday. Captain Morgan made me feel like I was going to grow hair on my chest then and there. Teehee. But later (meaning today) it all made me think about how I need to STOP being so stiff all the time and possibly become a more social person who is not constantly afraid of looking “stupid.” Damn me sometimes! Overall it was nice. Though...I totally suck at being a hostess AND Paige TOTALLY deserved to be tied to a tree an left there the entire time. :] BUT Matt DID get to see The Labyrinth (though I talked the whole time)! One cannot truly have lived without seeing that movie in my opinion.

Anywhoo…THEN finally the fabulous Christine (past life sisters!) came over just now and gave me a crap ton of awesome books from B&N! She got me little gnomes as well! She said it was TOO easy to shop for me. Haha. Big surprise there. teehee. Love ya Christine!

She got me:

A VERY cool journal with herbs, etc on the cover (soooo nice! Me lurves eet!)

The ..Forest.. House by Marion Zimmer Bradley

The Secret Diary of Anne Boleyn by Robin Maxwell

The Prose Edda by Snorri Sturluson (I’ve been meaning to buy this too!)

Some cool bookmarks (cause I have lots mine over the years and end up using whatever I grab off the floor)

AND two little funky gnomes that I LOVE! GNOMES GNOMES GNOMES!!!!

I have to say…this has been one of the better birthdays. :] And I didn’t look too kindly on turning 21 before it all happened! Pfft! Yay!

19 July 2009

I was a featured artist on handmadenews.org!

Guess what?

I was a featured artist on handmadenews.org!

So exciting! I feel so utterly honored! Take a peek at:

The Well and Spindle-featured artist!


Thank you for all your support everyone! I am going to making fun and magical things while on vacation at my Opa's house in Lake Tahoe but I am sure I will come home chock FULL of ideas and inspiration!

Thanks! Danke!

18 July 2009

ah ah ah!

My friend sent this to me. I didn't think it was going to be all that great but I actually "Lol'd" every time the count would "ah ah ah!" haha...just watch it. He sparkles at the end. The effects are fantastic. ;]

17 July 2009

Pagan police allowed Hallowe'en off...

This must be nice...I have to ask 19 days in advance for a day off and it is not always certain...even when I state it is a religious/spiritual holiday!

Pagan police allowed to take Hallowe'en and summer solstice off work
Pagan police officers in Britain have been given the right to take eight days off work a year to celebrate "religious holidays" including Hallowe'en and the summer solstice.

It follows the setting up of a Pagan Police Association to represent officers who worship nature and believe in many gods.

Pc Andy Pardy, a leading Pagan officer from Hertfordshire Police, met with Home Office officials this week to push for more recognition for pagan officers.

The neighbourhood beat manager, who has been an officer for the past seven years, is a heathen which means he worships Norse gods, including the hammer-wielding Thor, the one-eyed Odin and Freyr, the god of fertility.

Pc Pardy told Police Review magazine: "Paganism is not the new age, tree hugging fad that some people think it is. It is not the clandestine, horrible, evil thing that people think it is. A lot of people think it is about dancing naked around a fire but the rituals are not like that.

"It involves chanting, music, meditation, reading passages and for pagans the practices are seen to have the same power as prayer does for Christians. Most pagans practice some kind of conservation work as well to give something back to the planet."

Hertfordshire Police allows Pc Pardy the eight pagan holidays off each year, including Hallowe'en, which signifies the Pagan new year, and the summer solstice in June.
The days are deducted from his annual leave but because of his religion the days off are set in stone.

Superintendent Simon Hawkins, of Hertfordshire Police, said: "While balancing operational needs, the force's religion and beliefs policy gives all staff the choice of re-allocating the traditional Christian bank-holiday festivals to suit their personal faith.

"This has been very well received from a number of faith groups, including Muslim and Jewish."

A spokesman for the Home Office confirmed the meeting with Pc Pardy.
He added: "The Government wants a police service that reflects the diverse communities it serves.

"It is down to individual forces to make reasonable adjustments to accommodate the religion or beliefs of individual officers, as far as operational requirements permit."

There were 30,500 pagans in England and Wales in 2001, according to the Office of National Statistics.

Last year the Home Office introduced the pagan oath for use in the courts.
It is not known how many Pagan police officers and staff there are in the UK.

Another officer, Pc Andy Hill of Staffordshire Police, is a practising Wiccan, a pagan witch. He has founded Pagan Police Group UK, a website for pagan police officers and their families.

He said: "Wiccan has always been a bit of a taboo religion, there are lots of misconceptions around it. This is nothing to do with black magic or devil worshipping. It is working with nature for good."

16 July 2009

A fine VINTAGE....

NEW to “The Well and Spindle” is some wonderful VINTAGE finds!

From now on I will be offering some fun vintage items that I have come across and am willing to share! ;]

Here are some items already available! Keep a look out as I slowly put up a little more at a time!






Thanks for taking a peek!




Buy Handmade

13 July 2009


I was laying in bed with Alex wishing she would fall asleep faster so I could finish wrapping an order when I start humming to myself. Needing something to pass the time with a 6 year old who refuses to go to sleep (I think she likes staring at everything covered in shadow at night like I do :] ) I try to think of a soft song I might know to sing to myself. When I can’t think of anything I start making up a song which builds up and then breaks down into “chanting.”

The chant was serving a purpose. Nothing special of course, just something for myself.

I love how occasionally the chanting makes my whole body (or at least some of it; hands/chest/etc) feel like it is vibrating and buzzing.

Oh the joys of random chanting.

But now, trying to calm down for the night I can’t remember what I was chanting. Which kind of sucks in a way. I wonder if that happens a lot with people or if I am just a “special” case of imbecile. ;]

I blame self inflicted sleep deprivation!

12 July 2009

Random acts of creepiness...

The other day my Mom wanted to stop to get an iced coffee before we both had to start work (I got a green tea…mmm…). We are standing in line and looking through the large glass window that divides Barnes and Noble from Starbucks and what do we see?




On the other side of the glass is a VERY old man sitting at a small table flipping through a book full of “artistically” NUDE pictures. Yes, NUDIE pictures.

Mom starts laughing, I try not to giggle, both of us are blushing and can’t stop looking at the old guy TRYING to get off on anything at his age. Poor old guy. The two guys in front of us of course make it worse by turning around and making more comments on the DURRTTAAAYYY old dude.

The best part? The old guy couldn’t give a damn if anyone was watching. I kept thinking in my head: “I can do whatever I please youngin! I’M OLD!” Because being old lets you do whatever you damn please right? Yep, totally.

Ahhh….later that night when I went to the break room to read I see the creepy old man walking around my work. Little does he suspect that I know his “dirty” little secret. Muahaha…

07 July 2009

The witch job that earns £50,000

Someone posted this in a yahoo group I am on. Nearly pissed myself. So awesome! I don't think I am warty enough to apply for the post... :[ teehee

The witch job that earns £50,000

Wookey Hole is currently witchless

A Job Centre is advertising a "witch" vacancy with tourist site Wookey Hole, in Somerset, for £50,000 a year.

The witch, who has to live in the site's caves, is expected to teach witchcraft and magic.

Wookey Hole staff say the role is straightforward: live in the cave, be a witch and do the things witches do.

The advert for the post, placed in the local press as well as job centres, says applicants must be able to cackle and cannot be allergic to cats.

The job has come up after the previous witch retired from the role.

"We are witchless as the moment so need to get the role filled as soon as possible," said Daniel Medley from the tourist destination.

'Key career move'

"Wookey Hole wants the appointee to go about her everyday business as a hag, so that people passing through the caves can get a sense of what the place was like in the Dark Ages.

"This was when an old woman lived in the caves with some goats and a dog, causing a variety of social ills, including crop failures and disease."

The £50,000-a-year salary is pro rata, and based on work done as needed, largely in the summer holidays, but also at Halloween and at Christmas.

"Wookey Hole is advertising nationally and hopes to attract a strong field of candidates with the £50,000 serving as a major incentive," said the site.

It said ambitious witches looking for a "key career move" should arrive dressed for work armed with any "essential witch accoutrements".

Due to sexual discrimination law, the job cannot demand that the post is filled by a woman.

Interviews, which will involve on-site assessment incorporating a range of standard tasks, will take place on 28 July at 1100, stipulates the advert.


Grimm Visions

I was looking through my friends list for "The Well and Spindle" myspace when I saw the page for "Grimm Visions." I have looked at it a little but never checked out the site or anything. I totally should have and finally did today! Their work is so funky and cool. I love it! I realize it is probably just photoshopped work...but IIII can't do that sort of work so UBER KUDOS to them! One of the pictures I wanted to share was this:

I love it! Go to www.GrimmVisions.com to see more stuff. They actually have some pretty bitchin stuff.

...Just wanted to share.... :]

Clearing some things up for those interested in my products...

Hello Everyone!

Today I feel like I should clear up a few of my views on things and clear some “stuff” up for those purchasing my products. :]

I realize most people like things that smell “nice.” Don’t get me wrong, I love when things smell super good too! BUT with my products it is not about how good they smell. It is about choosing the right herbs, the right amounts of each herbs, the “feel” of things, the energy, etc. Sure, I use essential oils in many of my products to (yes) boost the smell and energy, but many of my products I leave devoid of anything but pure natural dried herbs.

Why pack as much magical “stuff” into one bottle as one can when many herbs serve the purpose of the mixture by themselves? Most of the time when I see the herbal mixtures people brew up I get lost in the smell reeking out of it instead of the various herbs that went into it. There is nothing wrong with the various smells (or lack thereof) the herbs themselves without having other scents poured over them! I just prefer subtle smells anyway I guess. Just so it does not “take away” from whatever work I am doing by being overpowering and distracting.

I DO however like to use the essential oils in my Ritual/Herbal oils. They don’t always contain added essential oils so READ the description before you buy! I don’t want any disappointed customers who were expecting a burst of Lavender or Patchouli scent in their face when they crack open one of my bottles!

I have also seen incenses and other “brews” COLORED for some reason. BLUE herbal incense? How did this happen?

Sure, one could have used blue petals from a certain plant…but NEON BLUE? Unnatural for a dried herbal mixture! Some of my products look pretty similar. Want to know why? Because many herbs are THE SAME COLOR! Green! And even when I mix in some Rose, Lavender, Jasmine or another flowers it still only somewhat changes the color when I grind them down into a Spell Powder. Unless of course it is the predominant herb being used. :]

Hope that doesn’t sound like I am agitated or being harsh or anything! I just have seen what other people have created and I know what many people expect. I have been disappointed with products in the past when the creators don’t clear things up and I wanted to be honest with you all!

Danke! Thanks!

05 July 2009

Essential Oil Supplier?

I have been trying to find a good supplier of essential oils for a while now. Some sites look shoddy but the prices are good, some sites are fancy and overpriced, and some sites require you buy enough essential oils to last your grandchildren’s grandchildren.

Where do people get their essential oils? I have been buying small bottles at local stores and not only are they expensive but they don’t last me long! The main essential oils I use are Mints (Spearmint/Peppermint), Lavender and Patchouli among others that I still have a little of.

So….anyone know a good supplier? I can only buy a little at a time since I do pay for school out of pocket and what not. ***SIGH*** I should just take out a loan!

Thanks! Danke!

01 July 2009

21st Wish List...

Tis time for the yearly birthday-ness present wanting list o’ mania!

Or something. My Birthday Wish List. There, simple enough.

Every year I make out a list of things I would like for my birthday (I do it for Christmas as well, but who doesn’t? ;]). JUST so people don’t buy me stuff that doesn’t suit me a lick.

After years of getting journals because no one (except perhaps my Mother) knew anything about me it was time to do so! Oddly enough I have been an avid reader most of my life and STILL people didn’t get that MAYBE I just might like a book for a gift. Got a few of them over the years of course…mainly due to people harassing my Mom for information about me..teehee.


It is not as if I am greedy or really WANT or “NEED” anything. BUT if someone is going to get me something, I don’t want them to waste their money. PLUS I hate pretending to like things that I think would better be suited to the fire.

Over the years my list of possible gifts keeps getting smaller and smaller. Sure, I would like to have some expensive goodies…but really, I can be made happy with simple things.

SO, this year my list is:
1. A Cylinder/Spinner Composter.
2. Money for books/Gift cards for books
3. Money for school (no yay’s for my minimum wage job in paying for the important things such as my education).

See? Simple enough. During Christmas/Yule I made a list of books I wanted, but there are so damn many that it would be a waste of time to type out….AGAIN.

By the way, I am turning 21 this coming birthday. Guess how I am spending it? With my family of course silly! Not the partying type…but watch me become sucked into the “Traditional” ways of the American 21 year old on her birthday anyway…eh…

Going to Lake Tahoe a few days after my birthday to spend time with family. Taking Alex along and can’t wait to go play in the lake and breathe in some fresh air. Just Opa, Alex and Me. Not sure if Audrey is going to be there but that would be awesome too! ALSO I get to see one of my favorite aunts (thinking she may actually be my favorite, but seeing as that may just be because I know her better than any of my other aunts I am just going to say she is!). Aunt Stephanie (or TaTa as I called her as a kid) and her children Ryan and Amber (the only semi-ginger kid in the fam!). woot! They live in Reno so maybe we can all go to Circus-Circus together or something! Alex will love it!

Tired and seeing this blog is horribly written…so stopping for today. :]

23 June 2009


Guess what? “The Well and Spindle” finally has a WEBSITE! Yay!

It is in the beginning stages and I am still trying to slowly figure things out. It has the same domain I have been using to route users to my Etsy shop!


Visit today, tell me what you think, give some advice, etc! I will STILL be selling my items via Etsy.com but this website will be used for other purposes as well as a source of information for those who do not use Myspace, Facebook or some of the other sites that I have put information for “The Well and Spindle” on.

I can’t wait to get really working on it! I just put a few little things up for the time being!

22 June 2009

The Rules (according to Alex)

I am in the backyard watering when Alex (my 6 year old sister) asks me what the golden rule is. Being busy and tired I say I don't know and ask her what she thinks it is.

SO after some consideration she tells me the Golden Rule is to never steal, the Silver Rule is to never lie and the **mumblemumble** rule is to never run around school naked.


I guess she ran out of things NOT to do.

I can live with those rules. Sort of. ;]

13 June 2009

Destruct-o Kid

I was cleaning the room I share with my 6 year old sister when I found one of her fairy dolls from the Tinkerbell movie lying in pieces on the ground. Not bothered by it (I used to give "close shaves" to my Barbies back in the day...among other things) I simply asked her if she wanted to throw it away or not and if she wanted to keep the outfit; the doll was naked at this point-missing all her body parts. I then asked her why she broke the arms and legs off (the doll was actually kinda pretty). She says something along the lines of: "I wanted to take the outfit off....and her legs." then smiles. Such a slightly little morbid child. I love it. She didn't say it "creepy-like" but rather in a nonchalant sort of response.

...should have taken a picture...it was an..."interesting"....set up.

08 June 2009

Bloody Candle

I was trying to clean my room when I decided some incense and candles were in order. So I went about and started lighting candles and what not when I got to one of my numerous cheap candles in a Hurricane jar...or whatever you call them. I'm sure most people have seen them. You can buy them at the dollar store and they usually have a picture of Jesus or some other Saint glued to the front. I actually like some of the images...and when they don't suit my tastes I just rip it off. Sorry Jesus. :]

Anyway, I saw there was some sort of liquid substance near the wick. I thought it must be water or oil that I forgot I placed into it (but I don't put more than a drop...so....?). Not knowing if it would light with the liquid in I tipped the jar over and the red liquid started SLOWLY creeping up (down?) the side of the jar. It totally reminded me of blood and it was going REALLY slow like it was clotting or something. EW.

Now, I know it couldn't have been hot wax because I had not lit the candle for quite some time. Odd. I like to look at things from both a "mundane" or perhaps "logical" perspective as well as a "magical" or "spiritual" one.

So was it just a liquid I somehow against the odds spilled into the candle maybe? Or is it some sort of OMEN? Little things like this bug me and I tend to over think things (which is horribly annoying when you are a Pagan/Witch). So maybe I should just ignore it. I wonder what my ancestors (WAAAAAAYYYYYYY back ancestors I mean. :]) would have done when faced with little odd things such as this. Probably would have considered it a serious matter whereas today we explain everything logically and with science.


Going to finish cleaning. The Bloody Candle can wait!

07 June 2009

We got majorly TP'd. Twas awesome.

My house just got MAJORLY toilet papered…

….and I think it’s effin cool!

Thanks for all the free TP fellas! You effin rock! Seriously, you guys (whoever thou art) left like whole rolls in my fairy garden…who am I to turn away free gifts? The fairies might be a little pissed you threw stuff on their home…but I hear they like a good joke as well as the next creature/being.

My Mom came and told me the news. I was actually really excited! Especially after I learned it was JUST our house. That means we are special!

I took some pictures at night because we live in a housing association and I know the meanies are going to either clean it up or make us clean it up before I am awake and can get some awesome photos.

It actually looks pretty cool with all the TP swaying in the wind from our trees at night. Makes me want to throw some ribbons and such up there as well. Heck yes!

What an eventful day. I love it. :] But I guess I have to feel a little bit bad that someone littered outside my home. Hahahahaha!!!!

06 June 2009

Bowie Cat

We got a new kitty today. Even though we already have three small OUTSIDE dogs, two hamsters and one beta fish...we got a kitty. My Mom and I are not very fond of cats but once we saw this little guy we changed our minds. :]

He is pure white with one green and one blue eye....a David Bowie kitty!

My Mom decided to let the 6 year old name him (this is the kid who named her Hamster: "Bella Crunchy"). I thought she'd come up with something funny...but no. First she wanted to call him "JoJo." Which was a NO NO (My Dad's name is Joe). Then she wanted to name him Kevin. Who names such a perfect and magical creature Kevin?

I want some strong Scandinavian or German name but I guess that isn't going to happen. The name isnt final yet, but I hope I don't come home from work tonight to a cat named "Bob" or something.

Here is a picture of the little guy:

Sweet eh?
Name ideas anyone?

03 June 2009



I want to send out a HUGE thank you to Jen of MyMagicMe.etsy.com for this awesome morphing job she did for me!

Here is the inspiration:


And HERE is what she did!

The Well and Spindle

How cool is that?

I am for sure going back again and again!

You can also find Jen on Artfire at: http://www.artfire.com/users/mymagicme!

Watch her actually make my picture HERE: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/1599337

Thanks Jen!

The Well and Spindle

02 June 2009

Herbal Spell Powders

So, I have been hard at work grinding herbs for a new item I am going to start selling in my shop. HERBAL SPELL POWDERS! I thought it was a good way to incorporate herbs into spell and ritual work so I decided to start making them. Here is the ad blog I made to share the new "line" of spell powders. :]

Herbal Spell Powders
By The Well and Spindle

Create a magical area that VIBRATES with energy!
Spell Powders are a fun and simple way to incorporate the use of herbs into your spell and ritual work. To use, just sprinkle a bit of the ground spell powder around your ritual space, into a fire, on windowsills, doorways, mirrors, into spell/mojo bags, anything really!

The possibilities are endless!

Here are some of the Herbal Spell Powders currently available at “The Well and Spindle”:

The Well and Spindle

Spirits of Seduction Lusty Spell Powder

The Well and Spindle

Cry of the Valkyries Spell Powder

The Well and Spindle

Frigg’s Dream-A Prophetic Dream Spell Powder

And MORE coming soon! Check out my site for more pictures! www.TheWellAndSpindle.com
These spell powders are currently available in different size and shaped containers. However, soon they will all be put into the same type of container for various reasons. So let me know which type of container you favor (mason jars, fat bottom potion bottles, cork top, screw on lids, etc!)

Thanks! Danke!

29 May 2009

Quick Update.....

FINALS ARE FINALLY OVER. Now I can get down to writing, creating, sharing, playing and just BREATHING without worrying about studying and papers. OH GAWD YES!

28 May 2009

The Foolish

The Foolish
By Karina Young
April 2009

To the Foolish;
Take a deer from the forest and loose your way on the land.
Take a fish from the water and be drowned by the current.
Take a bird from the sky and be crushed by the winds.
Take a flame from the fire and be suffocated by the ash.

Copyright Karina A. Young

27 May 2009


By Karina Young
8 May 2009

I’ve been waiting
Since I was the egg
That broke open to become the bird
Since I was the bird
That dropped from my beak the seed
Since I was the seed
That nestled into the soil and grew to be the tree

I’ve been waiting
Oh how the ages have been waiting
As I’ve been waiting
To find me.

Copyright Karina A. Young

Separate poem?

I’m still waiting
Till the tree falls to the ax
Till the wood is fed to the fire
Till the ash is swept away
Till the wind picks up my powdered remains
To fly along with the breeze
And greet the skies with a kiss.
I’m still waiting.

Copyright Karina A. Young

26 May 2009

My Sister's Hair

I got a few pictures of my sister's red hair today. She was a little unwilling and doesn't look too happy in the pics! But at least you can kind of see the uber red lovely-ness of her hair! yay!

It looks even brighter in the sun! phew!

Fairy Blood Dream

Just the other day I was wondering why I was not having dreams like I normally get. I have noticed that every once and a while this occur until I actually NOTICE not having dreams that I can remember and think about it. Then usually: POOF! Dreams start happening again. Maybe it is a stress thing? Who knows?

Here is a dream from a night or two ago that I scribbled onto paper so I would be able to recall most of it and share. It is long…but interesting. At least I think it is…but then again I “SAW” it all happen and someone else’s interpretation may not come up with the same images. :]

….I am in a car and have just been dropped off at the end of the winding hill I live on. It is familiar and yet darker, denser and full of….kids? Children are playing EVERYWHERE and they look like someone pulled them out of the past. I am unable to discern the time period….or time periodS of their dress. I start walking up the hill and by this time I have noticed I am a small petite girl with short black hair neatly combed in a very ordinary and boring fashion. I am wearing what looks like some sort of school uniform. I look maybe French or Spanish in the dream? Maybe? In reality I am a large and fairly tall with light brown hair…so? Hmmm…odd.

When I get almost to my house I see a sort of monster that looks like it popped out of Dali’s imagination. It is really tall and has legs that are skinny and a body that is scrunched up and small. The body is connected to what looks like a boy and a girl connected together a little above the waist. The whole monster is cream colored. The monster is walking over all the houses and I know it is looking for me. I hide until he passes over the rest of the hill and then proceed to my house cautiously.

Like most dreams I recognize the house as my own and it has some little familiarity from my real (in reality) home…but it is NOT my real home. The house is pretty empty and as I move through it I realize I have a brother who looks about a year or two older than me with the same black hair but a darker complexion. He is standing next to me and wearing a red shirt compared to my drab dull blue hues. It appears as if we both have just gotten home from school. As we move through the house something picks up the whole thing and moves it to the middle of a sunny town square full of KIDS (AGAIN!). The thing that moved our house is a giant kid. The house is about the size of his palm. We can’t see him but we know what he looks like…and he is also entirely cream colored. Once he sets the house down we rush to close, lock and cover all the random giant doors and huge open windows.

A dark haired woman is sitting in the shadows and watching us from our living room as we lock everything up as best as we can. I know her as my grandmother or maybe my great-grandmother although she looks at the most maybe 29. Someone is looking for me but I have a feeling this woman is going to protect me. A man comes out of a side room and looks to be in his 40’s. He is wearing a red shirt like my brother and is VERY tan with black hair with a bit of gray above his ears. His face is somewhat pock marked in places on his square face. I couldn’t tell if he was my uncle, father or even a young looking grandfather but he was familiar and yet I didn’t know him.

The man is very nice and smiles a lot. He seems like he would be laid back if he wasn’t in the situation he was in and yet he was optimistic. People knock at our front door and go to speak with my grandmother (?). We have been turned in by a snobby looking kid in a tie and he has come with a large group of some sort of officials. I find out why they are looking for me. I am a witch. Apparently that is not all. The reason my grandmother (?) looks so young is? YEP. She’s a fairy. In the dream I am descended from fairies.

So we sneak away. My brother goes to hide in some other room (the house is VERY dark and full of doors and rooms) while I am taken by the man to the bathroom where I am made to lie in the tub fully clothed. He is laughing and says the only way to hide a witch is under water. He then brags that I get my fairy blood through his side. Alrighty then! A small girl who looks about 12-16 starts to fill up the tub. We are related as well. How can I tell? The same black hair. She also doesn’t say much like the rest of us (excluding the man). Oddly enough I could see myself as the girl in the tub and easily being able to fit but I could “FEEL” myself scrunching up and trying to get under the water because I know how big I really am.

Once the water starts to pour over me it starts to “mask” the magic that apparently everyone but me can see. But I see it now! Through the water there are different lights coming off my body and it looks like some script, newspaper clippings and other things floating around my body. Something I imagine a bunch of “visions” bunched together might look like. It was a trip!

As the water is coming over me I feel anxious because something big is about to happen and it is partially over me. Plus, I am wondering how I am going to breathe and wondering why someone would want me and if they knew my whole family is of fairy blood?

THEN Alex (my baby sister) pokes me and tells me to wake up. Guess I don’t get to see how the rest goes! Ah well. Very odd dream to “watch” happen. Maybe I’ll dream it again, I do that occasionally. :] I know there was another monster (also cream colored) but I can’t place him or her now that is has been so long after my dream. Ah well.

25 May 2009

My Sister has Poison Ivy Hair!

My 17 year old sister Paige recently (within the last few months) decided to cut off her hair (we both have/had hair down to our arses). It was a good change but didn't suit her COLORFUL and "eccentric" personality. So...she dyed it RED. Big change! Something I could never do. Though after playing with some wigs I was considering getting it chopped and dyed black. Killed that idea quickly.

Paige went through a few different dyes and after a while she got a nice natural looking red color. But TODAY I saw her after dying it again and it is POISON IVY RED. She looks like she aged a few years and is a college girl who has to smack boys off all day. At least I think she looks beautiful! Being her big sister, I am just glad she has a heavy hand when she needs to smack someone back. teehee.

Here is some pictures of Poison Ivy I googled. SAME EXACT HAIR COLOR! I SOOO need to take pictures to share! One of the few people who I think pull it off well!

Here is another:

I just thought the last one suited Paige's personality. She is not a Vixen...but she is funny and makes a face just like that sometimes. Her hair color is more like the first picture!

Makes me want to add purple streaks or something to my hair like I used to!

Journey to the Underworld

Journey to the Underworld
By Karina Young
12 May 2009

Anointed with the salve of flight
Riding my broom, quite a sight
Masked to mark me as their own
The secrets of this world to me are shown
I go to HER
The Dame
The Frau
Just ask me and I’ll show you how
To meet the initiator of rebirth
To then come back flying through the hearth.

Copyright Karina A. Young

Random Dead Bird

Yesterday I was out in my front yard “harassing” my middle sister Paige and her friend Emma before they would be leaving to go make-up shopping. Eh.

They were both munching on snacks and Paige kept trying to get me to eat the last bite of her yogurt, thus making ME the person to wash her spoon and throw out her yogurt container. So she kept trying and finally I turned away and looked down to where the creeping fig is growing and saw….a dead bird?

Yep. A dead bird. It looked like it was in mid-flight with it’s wings thrown out in death. There were webs or “something” covering most of the bird and it looked as if the head was missing. Oddly enough I didn’t feel anything creepy about it or feel it was a “bad” omen. In fact, it made me think on some poetry I wrote not too long ago among other things. Curious.

Paige screamed and ran inside when I showed her. So I skipped to the backyard and got my 6 year old sister Alex and her friend Darrian. They thought it was pretty cool once they saw it. Kids.

Alex wanted to get close to the dead bird and even asked if she could poke it. I told her no. How would she liked to get poked in death?

I am beginning to see that Alex is a wee bit morbid. For one she likes dead things apparently because once when we found what we thought was a dead lizard in a cup she wanted to poke that as well. ***SIGH*** She also does not mind blood all too much on movies or tv and likes ghosts. I think it is an inherited trait from her “sperm donor.”

Darrian lost interest quickly and even almost stepped on the poor bird when he was using the hose lying on the cement as a tight-rope and fell off. Teehee. The boy looses interest and the girl wants to play with the dead thing? Curiouser and Curiouser.

Not sure whether I should give the bird a burial or not. I think I will leave the task up to my step-father Robert. Yep, sounds like a plan. Maybe if I was an old school witch I would keep the bones in a bottle or something. Too bad I don’t have a pot to boil him in. teehee. Just kidding!

24 May 2009

Deodorant Stones?

So I have been hearing a lot about Deodorant Stones and how much better they are for the body than regular deodorant. More and more people I know are switching to them and so I mentioned it to my Mother and she nicely picked me up one during her trip to Grossmont Nutrition.

The instructions say to wet it and rub it on. Simple enough. But it is a DEODORANT stone and says it kills bacteria that may cause odor. But is it also a ANTI-PERSPERANT? I want to know because Summer is coming up and Summers in San Diego can get pretty hot…and sweaty. I couldn’t find any real people with personal experiences with this item so I am kind of “iffy” on using it. Maybe I need to put it through a test run? Rub some on and then run around the backyard till I pass out and am totally sweaty? Sounds like fun…not.

Hmmm…guess I need to research it some more.

The Crossing

I have been interested in Hedge Witchery for a bit now but have not allowed myself to actually REALLY try to "Cross the Hedge." I share a room and have a house full of people always moving around and therefore not a whole lot of time or peace to try. Plus I keep wondering if I am really ready or not. I am still young. I've got plenty of time. But I can't help but be inspired by the idea and other people's experiences. Here is one of the poems I have been writing within the last few months on the subject. Enjoy. :]

The Crossing
By Karina Young
April 2009

Ride the Broom, Ride the Hare
To the lands below, Hel is waiting there.
Ride the Wolf, Ride the Moon
The time is now and not a moment too soon.
Ride the Runes, Ride the Breeze
And soon you’ll cross with ease.

Copyright Karina A. Young

Mom Dream?

Last night was one of the few nights I slept really deeply in a long while. I don’t know what it is but I just have NOT been sleeping very heavily like I sometimes used to. And when I used to sleep heavily: I would dream heavily. I am guessing it is because I go to bed late and get up really early therefore not giving myself enough time to really get into a deep sleep and dreamstate? I don’t know much about it so I can totally be wrong. It could be that I also usually use an alarm clock to wake up. Maybe I am scaring any recollection of any of the dreams I had away? Teehee

The parts of the dream I can remember from last night include my Mom. I have had a few dreams like this before but they have never really bothered me. They just sort of made me think of WHY I would be having these dreams. In my dream we (my family and I) are forced to move from our house. We move into the house I grew up in (which was haunted and holds both good and really bad memories) which is actually JUST down a few streets from where I live now. Everything is the same as it was when I was a kid including the décor, furniture, “feelings”, etc. But now that we have added to the family through marriage and birth (my baby sister-she’s six now) we are a little cramped. In the dream I share a twin bed with my baby sister (who I actually really share a bed with in “real” life) and it gets to be too crowded. So I go to my Mom and ask her for the full bed that we once had. She says it is at the old house and we wont be getting it back. It seems that when we moved we left EVERYTHING behind and she refused to go back and get it.

The house had not been rented yet from what I learned but a tall man who looked maybe Russian or some other Eastern European (although he was dark haired, etc) was thinking of taking it. I begged and begged to get all my stuff back and all I got was silence and a really mean look. I don’t get it! My Mom would never make me leave EVERYTHING behind. I felt like there was some secret or something involved. TOTALLY creepy.

Then my baby sister Alex poked me in the cheek with her finger and told me to wake up. Thank you for finishing off that dream for me! Teehee.

Any suggestions for what this may mean? Because I am surely lost.

I love you Mom! Remember, this was JUST A DREAM! :] Maybe.

23 May 2009

Song of the Nixie

I am going to be posting blogs about my Etsy shop on here as well as OTHER blogs! So here is the first of many!

The Well and Spindle’s Water Element Candle

The Well and Spindle

Be lulled into the deep waters of the vast ocean that is your mind with the sweet and dark scent of the “Song of the Nixie” candles. These candles are made with a hand blended mixture of herbs ruled by the element of Water and are a true delight for the Water signs, lovers of the Element of Water or those who seek to get in touch with this awesome force.

The Well and Spindle

These candles were made for and inspired by the Nixies of German lore. Sometimes ferocious and foul other times beautiful creatures with voices that are incomparable. These candles serve to help you learn to work with both the roaring rivers and the sweet springs within yourself.

The Well and Spindle

Please feel free to contact me with any questions!
Danke! Thanks!

The Well and Spindle

Buy Handmade

My First BlogSpot Entry

Hey There!

I started this blog for many reasons. Firstly, I wanted to spread the word on my little Etsy shop: "The Well and Spindle" (www.TheWellAndSpindle.com). That way I can use this site to network and connect with a multitude of people for all various reasons. I also want to be able to blog anytime and on anything without feeling like I am going to annoy people on my Myspace page. I am sure no one wants to see the "NEW BLOG POSTED" all the time on their home page. :]

So therefore I am going to blog HERE! A site dedicated to BLOGGING! yay!

I opened up a blog on LiveJournal as well under "TheWellNSpindle" if you want to check that out as well. They will probably be the same...but I want to see which site I am going to prefer before I deleted one or the other. :]

Thanks! Danke!
The Well and Spindle