23 June 2009


Guess what? “The Well and Spindle” finally has a WEBSITE! Yay!

It is in the beginning stages and I am still trying to slowly figure things out. It has the same domain I have been using to route users to my Etsy shop!


Visit today, tell me what you think, give some advice, etc! I will STILL be selling my items via Etsy.com but this website will be used for other purposes as well as a source of information for those who do not use Myspace, Facebook or some of the other sites that I have put information for “The Well and Spindle” on.

I can’t wait to get really working on it! I just put a few little things up for the time being!

22 June 2009

The Rules (according to Alex)

I am in the backyard watering when Alex (my 6 year old sister) asks me what the golden rule is. Being busy and tired I say I don't know and ask her what she thinks it is.

SO after some consideration she tells me the Golden Rule is to never steal, the Silver Rule is to never lie and the **mumblemumble** rule is to never run around school naked.


I guess she ran out of things NOT to do.

I can live with those rules. Sort of. ;]

13 June 2009

Destruct-o Kid

I was cleaning the room I share with my 6 year old sister when I found one of her fairy dolls from the Tinkerbell movie lying in pieces on the ground. Not bothered by it (I used to give "close shaves" to my Barbies back in the day...among other things) I simply asked her if she wanted to throw it away or not and if she wanted to keep the outfit; the doll was naked at this point-missing all her body parts. I then asked her why she broke the arms and legs off (the doll was actually kinda pretty). She says something along the lines of: "I wanted to take the outfit off....and her legs." then smiles. Such a slightly little morbid child. I love it. She didn't say it "creepy-like" but rather in a nonchalant sort of response.

...should have taken a picture...it was an..."interesting"....set up.

08 June 2009

Bloody Candle

I was trying to clean my room when I decided some incense and candles were in order. So I went about and started lighting candles and what not when I got to one of my numerous cheap candles in a Hurricane jar...or whatever you call them. I'm sure most people have seen them. You can buy them at the dollar store and they usually have a picture of Jesus or some other Saint glued to the front. I actually like some of the images...and when they don't suit my tastes I just rip it off. Sorry Jesus. :]

Anyway, I saw there was some sort of liquid substance near the wick. I thought it must be water or oil that I forgot I placed into it (but I don't put more than a drop...so....?). Not knowing if it would light with the liquid in I tipped the jar over and the red liquid started SLOWLY creeping up (down?) the side of the jar. It totally reminded me of blood and it was going REALLY slow like it was clotting or something. EW.

Now, I know it couldn't have been hot wax because I had not lit the candle for quite some time. Odd. I like to look at things from both a "mundane" or perhaps "logical" perspective as well as a "magical" or "spiritual" one.

So was it just a liquid I somehow against the odds spilled into the candle maybe? Or is it some sort of OMEN? Little things like this bug me and I tend to over think things (which is horribly annoying when you are a Pagan/Witch). So maybe I should just ignore it. I wonder what my ancestors (WAAAAAAYYYYYYY back ancestors I mean. :]) would have done when faced with little odd things such as this. Probably would have considered it a serious matter whereas today we explain everything logically and with science.


Going to finish cleaning. The Bloody Candle can wait!

07 June 2009

We got majorly TP'd. Twas awesome.

My house just got MAJORLY toilet papered…

….and I think it’s effin cool!

Thanks for all the free TP fellas! You effin rock! Seriously, you guys (whoever thou art) left like whole rolls in my fairy garden…who am I to turn away free gifts? The fairies might be a little pissed you threw stuff on their home…but I hear they like a good joke as well as the next creature/being.

My Mom came and told me the news. I was actually really excited! Especially after I learned it was JUST our house. That means we are special!

I took some pictures at night because we live in a housing association and I know the meanies are going to either clean it up or make us clean it up before I am awake and can get some awesome photos.

It actually looks pretty cool with all the TP swaying in the wind from our trees at night. Makes me want to throw some ribbons and such up there as well. Heck yes!

What an eventful day. I love it. :] But I guess I have to feel a little bit bad that someone littered outside my home. Hahahahaha!!!!

06 June 2009

Bowie Cat

We got a new kitty today. Even though we already have three small OUTSIDE dogs, two hamsters and one beta fish...we got a kitty. My Mom and I are not very fond of cats but once we saw this little guy we changed our minds. :]

He is pure white with one green and one blue eye....a David Bowie kitty!

My Mom decided to let the 6 year old name him (this is the kid who named her Hamster: "Bella Crunchy"). I thought she'd come up with something funny...but no. First she wanted to call him "JoJo." Which was a NO NO (My Dad's name is Joe). Then she wanted to name him Kevin. Who names such a perfect and magical creature Kevin?

I want some strong Scandinavian or German name but I guess that isn't going to happen. The name isnt final yet, but I hope I don't come home from work tonight to a cat named "Bob" or something.

Here is a picture of the little guy:

Sweet eh?
Name ideas anyone?

03 June 2009



I want to send out a HUGE thank you to Jen of MyMagicMe.etsy.com for this awesome morphing job she did for me!

Here is the inspiration:


And HERE is what she did!

The Well and Spindle

How cool is that?

I am for sure going back again and again!

You can also find Jen on Artfire at: http://www.artfire.com/users/mymagicme!

Watch her actually make my picture HERE: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/1599337

Thanks Jen!

The Well and Spindle

02 June 2009

Herbal Spell Powders

So, I have been hard at work grinding herbs for a new item I am going to start selling in my shop. HERBAL SPELL POWDERS! I thought it was a good way to incorporate herbs into spell and ritual work so I decided to start making them. Here is the ad blog I made to share the new "line" of spell powders. :]

Herbal Spell Powders
By The Well and Spindle

Create a magical area that VIBRATES with energy!
Spell Powders are a fun and simple way to incorporate the use of herbs into your spell and ritual work. To use, just sprinkle a bit of the ground spell powder around your ritual space, into a fire, on windowsills, doorways, mirrors, into spell/mojo bags, anything really!

The possibilities are endless!

Here are some of the Herbal Spell Powders currently available at “The Well and Spindle”:

The Well and Spindle

Spirits of Seduction Lusty Spell Powder

The Well and Spindle

Cry of the Valkyries Spell Powder

The Well and Spindle

Frigg’s Dream-A Prophetic Dream Spell Powder

And MORE coming soon! Check out my site for more pictures! www.TheWellAndSpindle.com
These spell powders are currently available in different size and shaped containers. However, soon they will all be put into the same type of container for various reasons. So let me know which type of container you favor (mason jars, fat bottom potion bottles, cork top, screw on lids, etc!)

Thanks! Danke!