20 August 2009


Working in the Target Garden Center can be really enjoyable. Usually the people are pretty laid back and/or nice, working with plants is always a plus and when it is NOT Summer I really enjoy just being outside!

The downside? Well, during the Summer I occasionally feel like passing out from the heat. BUT that is not the real downside (usually). The downside is that when we are not busy or I AM “lost” in my work (Don’t let me sweep! I might forget you exist even when you are standing next to me!) I get a lot of time to think.

Doesn’t sound like a problem I suppose, but I am a DWELLER. I dwell on the stupidest stuff sometimes. I will dwell on stuff that happened YEARS ago, I will dwell on conversations that I am not sure I understood correctly, I will dwell on pretty much anything.

And it makes it worse that I am an UTTER daydreamer!

Always have been! Always will be!

Today I kept thinking about “stupid” stuff again while working. Of course, this is nothing new. But when I am outside I actually can stop working and write stuff down. I used to do this when I would write poetry. Like during class when I would be hit with inspiration I would write poetry or doodle in the margins of my papers and then would have to later copy them all down again.

So, I grab a piece of journal paper (the paper “tape” the receipts are printed on) and start jotting things down. Then I go back to work only to find myself BACK leaning over the Coca-Cola brand cooler writing on paper. I did it my whole shift. And being me I would totally get lost in my writing and ignore the guests. I would jump up when they would finally have enough of waiting on me and call out for assistance. Then I would rush over and stuff the paper into the drawer so they wouldn’t know I was doing something NOT work related.


Now I have all these bits of paper with stuff that doesn’t really make sense out of them that I need to piece together in order to “re-form” my thoughts I was having.

…..This should be fun….

Back soon hopefully with something. I never really like puzzles….especially the ones my own mind thrusts on me. :/

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