14 September 2009

Miss. Doom and Gloom

Last night I was laying in bed with my 7 year old sister trying to get her to go to sleep. But I couldn't REST! Everything seemed too loud and my mind was going a mile a minute. I felt like I was on crack or something!Though I would not know what being on crack feels like but still...

So in partial darkness I scribbled this poem out. Doesn't have any rules to constrict it really and I could have pulled it apart and made separate poems out of it if I wanted to. But I usually dislike to edit any of my poems (even if they are not very good) and so I will leave my "crackhead poem" alone. For now at least. I will probably come back in a week, or a month or maybe a year and tear the thing apart. :] teehee

Miss. Doom and Gloom
By Karina Young
13 September 2009

Doom and Gloom
My Rainbow and Sunshine
So you say
So you think
So therefore I am
What you say
What you think
What I am
Doesn’t make a difference
Doesn’t have distinction
In all my Doom and Gloom
Miss. Doom and Gloom
Oh yes, THAT’S ME!
Can’t you see it?
Must be obvious
This “sin” of mine
To dare to THINK that I am different
To long to be different
To not want to be
Plastered and Painted
Stuffed and Stuck through
Cut up and Sucked out
With a smile stitched so carefully
Across my pretty face
Not wanting to be like those
With their tampered minds
Pretending normalcy
Pretending perfection
Though it is plain to SEE
They are
So they tell me they are
I am told
What they tell me is what
Doom and Gloom
Brings you down
While the sunshine brings you up
Doom and Gloom are there
Like I will be there
Till the sunshine banishes me away
And I come around running back
With my rain
My cleansing rain
My sweet waters
Oh sad little Miss. Doom and Gloom
Never going to get your way.

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