07 July 2009

Clearing some things up for those interested in my products...

Hello Everyone!

Today I feel like I should clear up a few of my views on things and clear some “stuff” up for those purchasing my products. :]

I realize most people like things that smell “nice.” Don’t get me wrong, I love when things smell super good too! BUT with my products it is not about how good they smell. It is about choosing the right herbs, the right amounts of each herbs, the “feel” of things, the energy, etc. Sure, I use essential oils in many of my products to (yes) boost the smell and energy, but many of my products I leave devoid of anything but pure natural dried herbs.

Why pack as much magical “stuff” into one bottle as one can when many herbs serve the purpose of the mixture by themselves? Most of the time when I see the herbal mixtures people brew up I get lost in the smell reeking out of it instead of the various herbs that went into it. There is nothing wrong with the various smells (or lack thereof) the herbs themselves without having other scents poured over them! I just prefer subtle smells anyway I guess. Just so it does not “take away” from whatever work I am doing by being overpowering and distracting.

I DO however like to use the essential oils in my Ritual/Herbal oils. They don’t always contain added essential oils so READ the description before you buy! I don’t want any disappointed customers who were expecting a burst of Lavender or Patchouli scent in their face when they crack open one of my bottles!

I have also seen incenses and other “brews” COLORED for some reason. BLUE herbal incense? How did this happen?

Sure, one could have used blue petals from a certain plant…but NEON BLUE? Unnatural for a dried herbal mixture! Some of my products look pretty similar. Want to know why? Because many herbs are THE SAME COLOR! Green! And even when I mix in some Rose, Lavender, Jasmine or another flowers it still only somewhat changes the color when I grind them down into a Spell Powder. Unless of course it is the predominant herb being used. :]

Hope that doesn’t sound like I am agitated or being harsh or anything! I just have seen what other people have created and I know what many people expect. I have been disappointed with products in the past when the creators don’t clear things up and I wanted to be honest with you all!

Danke! Thanks!

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