25 May 2009

My Sister has Poison Ivy Hair!

My 17 year old sister Paige recently (within the last few months) decided to cut off her hair (we both have/had hair down to our arses). It was a good change but didn't suit her COLORFUL and "eccentric" personality. So...she dyed it RED. Big change! Something I could never do. Though after playing with some wigs I was considering getting it chopped and dyed black. Killed that idea quickly.

Paige went through a few different dyes and after a while she got a nice natural looking red color. But TODAY I saw her after dying it again and it is POISON IVY RED. She looks like she aged a few years and is a college girl who has to smack boys off all day. At least I think she looks beautiful! Being her big sister, I am just glad she has a heavy hand when she needs to smack someone back. teehee.

Here is some pictures of Poison Ivy I googled. SAME EXACT HAIR COLOR! I SOOO need to take pictures to share! One of the few people who I think pull it off well!

Here is another:

I just thought the last one suited Paige's personality. She is not a Vixen...but she is funny and makes a face just like that sometimes. Her hair color is more like the first picture!

Makes me want to add purple streaks or something to my hair like I used to!

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